What information do you require to carry out a SAP calculation?
This is one of the common questions we get here at UKBC. So, we have provided a comprehensive list below outlining the information that is required.

Building regulation drawings are required in order to be able to start the calculations.
This includes:
These drawings help to determine the areas of heat loss within a dwelling.
project specification
As much design specification as possible should be given to your SAP assessor.
This includes:
This information allows for Part L compliance to be checked. At design stage, changes to specification can be made if needed to meet compliance.
This is why it is vital that SAP Calculations are commissioned before construction commences!
Additional Systems
Information on any additional systems to be installed within the dwelling is useful.
This includes systems such as:
Including this information in the SAP calculation will provide an accurate picture of the dwelling and how it will perform.
These types of systems will also become mandatory when Part L standards are uplifted in June 2022 – you can read more about this here.
Additional Planning requirements
Whilst SAP demonstrates compliance with baseline Part L standards, many Local Authorities are increasingly asking for additional performance requirements.
These often include further carbon reductions between 10-40% further than Part L standards & are usually outlined in a pre-planning Energy Statement.
Updated building regulations
When the new regulations come into force, there will also be a requirement for photographic evidence of all build ups and thermal junctions from site.
UKBC will be further informing clients of these requirements as the date approaches.