
What Are SAP Calculations?So, what are SAP calculations? SAP stands for ‘Standard Assessment Procedure’ and is the government’s method for calculating the energy performance of dwellings.These calculations are only necessary for residential properties. In England, your SAP calculations measure two elements; the Dwelling Emission Rate (DER) and Dwelling Fabric Energy Efficiency (DFEE).The calculations determine a

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What Are SAP Calculations? The Ultimate Guide


What Are Ventilation Calculations? Ventilation calculations will make sure that the air flow within your property is of a good standard. This includes testing intermittent and continuous extraction systems, as well as measuring the whole building’s standard ventilation rate. These tests will ensure that the indoor air quality of your residential new build homes is of

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Ventilation Calculations


Overview Of Ventilation TestingPlease read through this page to understand “what is a ventilation test?”.  In summary, a ventilation test makes sure you correctly configure the ventilation systems in your building and that the air flow is of a good standard. This is in order to maintain a high standard of indoor air quality. Furthermore, ventilations

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What Is A Ventilation Test?


Party Floor Design With UKBCUKBC can offer complete design advice. There’s a number of different options that can help you ensure your building is properly sound insulated. UKBC can guide you through these, advising you on how to design your party floors to reduce noise as much as possible. Furthermore, UKBC also offers consultancy on

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Party Floor Design


Party Wall/Ceiling Design With UKBCUKBC can offer complete party wall/ceiling design advice. There’s a number of different options that can help you ensure your building is properly sound insulated. UKBC can guide you through these, advising you on how to design your party walls and ceilings to reduce noise as much as possible. The walls and

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Party Wall/Ceiling Design